Tuesday, January 18, 2011


      This Chinese symbol represents the harmonizing forces of the universe. It is believed that the outer circle symbolizes "everything", while the black and white shapes within the circle represent the interaction of two energies, called "yin" (black) and "yang" (white), which cause everything to happen. They cannot exist without each other. One is not better than the other but too much of either one is bad. The ideal is a balance of both.

      I think this applies to the Joy Luck Club because the Yin-Yang is present in the Chinese culture. I also think that the idea of the black and white balancing each other can relate to many of the woman's lives. And together the Joy Luck Club is balanced with each of the  four lady's qualities and traits. They are all so different but together they are balanced.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Journal #1

    My first impression of Othello was a little overwhelming. Shakespeare is always a little tough to understand right when you start reading. It usually takes a little bit to get used to the style and flow of the text. The meanings and side notes really do help me comprehend whats going on. I cant wait to read on and find out what happens the characters.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Moors Research

     The word 'Moor' means dark. Which implies dark skin. Moors fled to Europe from Spain because of religious purposes. It is noteworthy that these Moors were in Europe as conquerors and served as a “civilizing force,” as opposed to being enslaved by the Europeans. The Moors had a tremendously positive impact on European cultural, socio-economic and political institutions.

Berit's Journal- I also found it interesting that Moor meant dark. It's like how negro means black. They connect and make sense.

Haylee's Journal- What did the Europeans do to convert them to Christianity?

Irvin's Journal- What was the negativity in this culture that caused them to constantly be at war?

Alec's Journal- I thought it was interesting how the capital name kept changing.

Journal #8

     The Piano Lesson ends in a way that i did not expect. Sutter's ghost kind of takes control of Boy Willie and madness brakes out. I did think it was rude when Boy Willie took that bowl of water and started throwing it everywhere right as Avery was blessing the house with the holly water, in an attempt to mimic him. That was probably offensive to Avery. As Berniece went and played the piano she asked help from Mama Ola. As she sang and played all the madness ended and Sutter's ghost seemed to be gone. That goes to show the power of music. I liked how the piano was what created the whole conflict in the first place but yet the piano was also what solved everything. Good play!

Journal #7

    In the beginning of Scene 5, we experience some brother-sister bickering. Boy Willie and Berniece argue about almost everything. They even bring Mareatha into all of it, when Boy Willie starts telling Berniece how to talk to her daughter. I did have an Ah Ha moment when Boy Willie explained what the Yellow Doy thing really was. I was confused about that the whole book but it makes sense now. I really found Boy Willie's monologue, about how he isn't afraid of death, very interesting. Also, when he talks about his fathers hands. Those hands become a symbol that represent family history and creation. Boy Willie's dad's creative hands are the whole reason the piano is here. Berniece also threatens Willie with a gun with i think is a little drastic over a piano.

Journal #6

    Act 2, Scene 3: I thought the part when Boy Willie brought Grace back to Doaker's house was so funny. It was a very clever choice that the author made to add romance mixed with humor to draw them in again. It was such a classic thing for Boy Willie to do and when he said, "Let me heist your hood and check your oil. See if your battery needs charged." I'm pretty sure i laughed out loud. That is so cheesy haha.
   Scene 4: When Lymon came to the house after Boy Willie left, we learned a lot about him and what he wants in life. I really like Lymon's character and at this point I started to think that Berniece and Lymon would make a better couple than Berniece and Avery. I wonder who she will choose.

Journal #5

     In Scene 2, Avery shows up right as Berniece was about to take a bath. They talk about their relationship a little but Berniece isn't so sure. In my opinion, i think Avery and Berniece would work out really well if they were to get married. I think it would be good for Mareatha to have a dad again. In this scene you can really tell how strong of a woman Berniece is. That would of been a very interesting character to play in a performance. You would have to be confident and stern with a damaging voice that people cant help but listen to. I think Avery's calm listener personality would complement Berniece's personality very nicely.